If you are called to serve at St. Mary's, please be in touch with the clergy, ministry leaders, or office at any time. We need your gifts and value your participation!
Ways to Serve...
Parish Administration and Communication:
- Update and maintain website
- Develop communications strategies
- Volunteer in the office
- Planning
- Set-up and clean-up
- Hosting
- Shopping
- Preparation
- Greeter
- Usher
- A/V (run PowerPoint)
- Lector (reads Scripture) / Intercessor (leads prayers)
- Chalice Bearer
- Eucharistc Minister
- Lay Worship Leader
- Lay Preacher
- Musician
- Clerk of the Vestry
- Treasurer
- Worship Team
- Stewardship Team
- Finance Team
- Congregational Commission on Ministry
And more!
- Counter
- Scheduler
Delegates! We need you, members of St. Mary’s, to serve as delegates to diocesan convention!
St. Mary’s is part of a larger church body called a diocese, which includes all the Episcopal churches in a geographical area (Northern California, for us), and is headed by a bishop. The bishop is actually the chief minister of all the Episcopal churches in the diocese, but local clergy serve on the bishop’s behalf in the various congregations.
Every year, representatives from all the churches gather with the bishop for a diocesan convention. This gives us an opportunity to worship together, to learn about what is happening in the diocese beyond our doors, to be formed as members and leaders of the church, and to conduct the business of the diocese as it pertains to all parishes and organizations.
You might be surprised how fulfilling and fun it is to get together with other Episcopalians at this annual event. Everyone is welcome to attend convention, and there are several ways to be more involved. Delegates attend a pre-convention meeting in early fall to learn about the candidates, resolutions, and budget being put forth. Then they attend convention, usually the first weekend in November.
We elect our delegates at our Annual Meeting. Please be in touch with clergy or any member of vestry if you would like to be a delegate from St. Mary’s!
Vestry! We need your many gifts to offer effective, Spirit-led leadership of the parish and its administration.
Vestry is the group of elected leaders of the parish who make decisions regarding budget and spending, facilities and grounds maintenance, and other governance matters. The Vestry also provides leadership in parish efforts and events, and helps to identify other leaders within the congregation. With the priest-in-charge, the Vestry does the work of discerning God's call and stewarding and developing resources.
What are your skills? The Vestry may be a great place to use them! Are you savvy about finance? Are you handy? Can you shepherd plans into reality? Do you have insight into the ways God wants to lead this parish? Are you a good communicator? An event planner? Are you called to ministries of discernment, stewardship, and outreach? Do you have knowledge of human resources, insurance, legal agreements, or other local institutions? There are many, many other ways that your talents, expertise, and perspective can contribute to the work of the Vestry.
The Vestry usually meets monthly, with the occasional meeting-less month or additional special meeting. Vestry members also attend an annual retreat, and may be asked to participate in other events for leadership development. Members should complete the diocesan trainings for Safe Church and Anti-Racism.
We elect our Vestry at our Annual Meeting. Please be in touch with clergy or any member of vestry if you feel called to serve on St. Mary’s Vestry!
We elect our delegates at our Annual Meeting. Please be in touch with clergy or any member of vestry if you would like to be a delegate from St. Mary’s!
If you would like to get involved in any of these ministries, please contact the church office at st.marys@frontiernet.net or 916-689-1099. We're always happy to answer questions and connect people with others who have experience in these ministry areas.